Thursday 5 June 2014

High All Aboard

The Magpies are blogging live from high all aboard and the first group of four(Xav,Ben,Javier and Aditiya) have made their way to the top. The rest of our group will soon have a go too. Now we look forward to the zip wire .

Go Mr Barber!

You made it!

It's very high.

Shooting sparrows (and other fun stuff)

The sparrows did some shooting today! Here are some pictures to prove it...

We also got to zoom down the zip wire, army role through some tunnels, fire some arrows in archery and climb up the high all aboard course and balance on a very small, very high platform. Pictures to follow on the website.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Search and rescue

The Magpies have been doing search and rescue!

First we had to find the supplies, which were hidden in the low rope area.
Then, we had to find the body. It was hidden by the water slide.

Next, we had to search for shelter supplies in the bushes.

Finally we had to make a fire!

We look forward to the zip wire.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day 2 with the Swallows

We did some brilliant team work activities today at Mill on
Brue. We started with challenge track 4 which included saving Mill on the Brue from exploding using our wonderful communication skills.

Some problem solving team work activities...

'We are the men in black'

Water slides are great fun...

Minna was an expert water slider...

She managed to slide over the puddle.

First we got hosed down. It was SO cold.

What a puddle!

Even Miss Cutler had a go!

Jonny got very soggy and muddy.

We got really wet and muddy too.

I fact everybody got very wet and muddy but had great fun doing so.
We also got to do the assault course (with a superb time), and the low ropes. We have a very exciting day tomorrow too and are very prepared to test our heights with the high all aboard challenge.


Javier demonstrates his high speed water slide technique.

And Matt takes aim at the target in Archery.

It's amazing how much you can pack into a day, and it is not even time for afternoon tea yet.

An Official HJS Blog Post

The Swallows make pizza and have 'crates' of fun.

The swallows were having great fun making pizzas today on our first day at mill on the brue.
First we rolled out the dough in any shape we wanted

We then covered it in a tomato sauce and cheese:

Then cooked it in an outdoor clay oven.

Yum yum yum!

We met Marg and Marigold, the lovely Mill on the
Brue pigs.

And Harry the donkey.

We the had crates of fun doing crate stacking. It's not as easy as it looks.

Final activity of the day...the great egg drop. Similar, yet very different, to our annual Great Egg Race.

A great day and we're ready for some more fabulous adventures to come.

Sheep and Shepherd

Tom the shepherd is attempting to get his flock of blindfolded sheep into the pen using coded signals. It's a tough challenge for the start of our first full day.

An Official HJS Blog Post